The Claims Detectives

You could get up to 550% more on your property damage claim by working with The Claims Detectives!
* Licensed by the State Insurance Commission, Insured, Bonded & Commission Based

Claims Detectives Video Library
1. How to Make Up To 550% More
2. Flood Damage
3. Water Damage
4. Difference Between Flood Damage & Water Damage
5. Windstorm / Rain Storm
6. Hurricane & Tornado Damage
7. Smoke Damage
8. Lightning Damage
9. Fire Damage
10. Burglary & Theft Damage
11. Business Interruption
12. Roof Damage
13. Hail Damage
14. Pipe Break Damage
15. Tree Damage
16. Freeze Damage
17. Mode Damage
18. Vandalism Damage
19. Additional Living Expenses
20. You Versus Your Insurance Company


In Florida – The Office Of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability (OPAPGA) reported that claims settled by a Public Adjuster were 574% higher (on average) than claims settled by the property owner.

After paying the public adjuster fee the, owners settlement was 470% higher (on average).*

Customer Original Settlement
Offered by Insurance
Final Settlement
Paid by Insurance
Final Settlement
Paid to Owner
Martin P $11,950.41 $21,051.81 $19,413.56 76%
Jeff L $10,709.46 $17,449.93 $16,236.65 63%
Bill K $8,134.48 $21,936.91 $19,452.47 170%
Robert H $7,190.96 $16,626.13 $14,927.80 131%
Bryant W $12,135.39 $19,293.15 $18,004.75 59%
Eugene D Min. Roof  Repair ($0) $23,521.69 $19,359.79 2,300%
Average increase in Settlement (by percentage) 467%



Public Adjusters are licensed professionals who are hired exclusively by a property owner who has suffered property damage. Public Adjusters handle every detail of the claim, working closely with (you) the insured to provide the maximum settlement allowed by the insurance company.

Public adjusting services have been governed, for more than a century, by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). – Created in 1871, the NAIC is the U.S. standard-setting and regulatory support organization created and governed by the insurance commissioners of all 50 states, Washington D.C. and five U.S. territories.

Smoke & Fire Damage



Why Use Claims Detectives?

The period following an insurance loss is a highly stressful time for property owners. Hiring a professional public adjuster will help take the major headaches away.  

Task Public Adjuster Insurance Adjuster
Employee hired and trained by the insurance company as a claims adjuster or claims handler.
Licensed Professional hired by the property owner (insured) to represent the interests of the property owner (insured).
Document the full extent of property damage, develop an estimate and present damage to the insurance company.
Investigate behind the walls, floors, cabinets for any hidden damages.
Review all the coverage granted by the current insurance policy to ensure full coverage is granted.
Explain the intent of policy endorsements, exclusions, and extended coverage.
Must be licensed by the state’s Insurance Commissioner’s office.
Prepare, file, and negotiate maximum settlements of your insurance claim.

For many homeowners, the preparation of a property damage claim without the assistance of their own public adjuster working on their behalf is unfamiliar territory. A typical insurance policy contains hundreds of provisions and stipulations, constantly changing forms and endorsements, and many complex details such as inventory appraisals and real estate evaluations that are required in case of a loss.  These documents are filled with complicated language and calculations that only a claims adjuster will thoroughly understand.

When an insurance claim is filed, it is YOUR responsibility as the policyholder to prove the extent of damages and that they are covered under your insurance policy.  When you hire a public adjuster, this burden becomes our burden. At Claims Detectives, our public adjusters prepare, file, and negotiate maximum dollar settlements of your insurance claim.


Claims Detectives is a consultant you employ to advocate, on your behalf, to settle your property damage claim. We are licensed as “PUBLIC ADJUSTERS”  by the insurance commissioner and bonded.

When you call Claims Detectives, you could receive, up to 550% more for your claim settlement.  We have the expertise and experience to make smooth sailing out of the difficult claim settlement process. Claims Detectives is your professional advocate.

Atlanta based, Claims Detectives is one of the fastest-growing public adjustment firms serving the southeast. We advocate for commercial and residential property owners who have property damage.

We have groomed a diversified team of professional adjusters supported by damage restoration specialists, forensic engineers, industrial hygienists, and many other specialized professionals. This diversity of expertise and depth of experience gives our clients access to all the resources they need to properly settle their insurance claims.  

As we negotiate with insurance companies your claim is reviewed by Claim Detective’s staff specialists. A seasoned adjuster leverages the wisdom of the team to negotiate for the maximum settlement allowed by your insurance company.

In addition to our field service professionals, we have a full office staff working on your behalf to expedite your claim keeping the insurance company accountable and maximizing your settlement.

We specialize in settling PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS such as:




You could get up to 550% more on your property damage claim by
working with Claims Detectives!

Talk To Us!

When you call Claims Detectives, you could receive, up to 550% more for your claim settlement. Claims Detectives has the expertise and experience to make smooth sailing out of the difficult claim settlement process. Claims Detectives is your professional advocate.

Our Location

Claims Detectives
2615 George Busbee Parkway
Suite 11-403
Kennesaw, GA 30144-4981

Contact Information
Phone: 678-567-4338

Fax: 1-833-942-2949

Let us help You for Free?

We are always glad to address any questions that you might have. Please be sure to fill out all the information below and someone from our office should reach out to you within 1 business day.

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