This is the story of The Claims Detectives Insured Solutions Management tool…

Ensuring the smooth transition of property damage claim information from Claims Detectives’ public adjusters in the field to The Claims Detectives Atlanta hub settlement professionals is the schematic design for The Claims Detectives’ proprietary Insured Solutions Management tool (the “ISM”).  ISM’s proprietary design replaces the multitude of independent software tools rented each year by all public adjusters. These rented software tools are required for property damage claims settlement, but fail to communicate entered information between software tools forcing public adjusters to enter and reenter the same information repeatedly – often creating entry errors.  ISM information is entered once and shared throughout the entire Claims Detectives system via the Cloud to and from connected Claims Detectives proprietary hardware.

ISM’s creation enables Claims Detectives public adjusters in the field to efficiently provide all necessary property claim information to our Atlanta hub staff for final settlement. The ISM process frees up The Claims Detectives public adjuster employees by handing off the “heavy lifting” required in settling and processing property damage claims to The Claims Detectives Atlanta hub settlement professionals.  This hand off enables our public adjusters to work less and make more money as they are free to work on many more claims at one time.

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